One For The Ladies

Here’s a novel way of positively implementing facial recognition software for an advertising campaign by Plan UK. If the poster recognises you as a woman (90% success rate), then it displays a video highlighting how women around the world are denied choices based solely on their gender, with a call to action to become engaged […]

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Apple’s Flashy iPod Touch Ad

There’s a iPod Touch advert on Wired’s homepage that’s very smart. Anyone not in the digital media industry, will likely look at the advert and not be overly impressed, but technically, this ad is very impressive, as it extends beyond what you assume is it’s frame, the iPod covers the menu bar above (which remains […]

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Email Est Mort, Vive Le Email

I’ve been pondering the longevity of email for the past few years, wondering whether it’s time was numbered due to the ease and rise of messaging and social networks. And I’m certainly not the only one that’s considered this, there’s been plenty of opinions and debates about this online. Mark Zuckerberg said email was dead […]

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eBooks Are For Weirdos

According to a new survey by Harris Interactive 1 in 6 Americans now use an eReader with 1 in 6 likely to purchase one within the next 6 months. That’s 15%, which is almost double what it was this time last year, 8%. Also eBook readers purchase more books and read on average more than paper […]

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The Cosmonaut is The Write Stuff

I posted about the Scribbly a while ago, but I just stumbled on the Cosmonaut by Studio Neat, the guys that created the Glif, which in case you missed it is a cool iPhone tripod mount and stand, that had a very successful Kickstarter launch. Well it looks like they’ve done it again with another […]

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Don’t Build It and They Will Come, 90k Of Them!

That appears to be Martin Hasek’s philosophy, the creator of Noteslate, and it appears to be working. I posted about the Noteslate back in January, I was sceptical then and unfortunately my scepticism was founded, as this CNN report confirmed shortly afterwards, but that doesn’t appear to have stopped 64,000 people clicking the like button on their homepage, […]

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Let Sleeping Lions Lie

I admit that I’m not one to shy away from hitting the install button and crossing my fingers (although I do always make a thorough back up… I’ve been using computers long enough to know that!) So I took the plunge, I paid my £20 to Apple for OS X 10.7, or in Marketing Speak, […]

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Any Idea What This Means?

all I know is that I’ve lost almost a week of work… or about 100hrs of effort! (yes I work long days) It’s what I was greeted with this afternoon, when I rebooted my Mac and opened an Illustrator file I’ve been working on since 23rd May (Yes almost two months!). Thankfully I’m religious about […]

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Olloclip iPhone Lens Adapter

The Olloclip is a simple idea that’s destined to sell incredibly well. With everyone predominately taking photos with their mobile phone, and with the iPhone being the out and out winner in terms of Flickr uploads, the Olloclip adds a wide angle and super wide fish eye lens to your iPhone, plus it has a […]

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Have a Camper Day

I just stumbled across a video of the Have a Camper Day iPad / iPhone app. It’s gorgeous here today in London (far too nice for me to be stuck in doors working, but needs must!)… anyway this app would brighten up the gloomiest of days, and by the look of the forecast I might […]

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Is 2011 The New 1984?

It was broadcast just once during the 1984 Super Bowl, but that’s all it needed, as when Ridley Scott directed Apple’s iconic and multi-award winning 1984 advert, he created an advert that captured the very essence of what Apple was at that time. The underdog, fighting against the tyranny of the corporate machine, hoping to […]

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Park Chan-wook is Hooked on iPhone 4

I’m a fan of Park Chan-wook work, I think his vengeance trilogy of “Sympathy for Mr Vengeance”, “Old Boy” & “Lady Vengeance” are fantastic films, I appreciate they’re not to everbody’s taste, they are very dark in nature, but they certainly make you sit up and think. Now he’s done something rather different, well for […]

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The Verizon Waltz

It wasn’t long ago that Verizon were parodying Apple’s “There’s an App for That” adverts, in order to gain subscribers from AT&T to their own network, but it appears the two network giants have made up and become friends in their latest joint advert! Or maybe they’re both worried about the latest T-Mobile advert, which […]

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A while back I waxed lyrical about a fantastic Photography iPhone App named Hipstamatic, which I use almost daily and used extensively on my recent trip to Cambodia. Well I’ve just stumbled across another App named Instragram (a mash up of Instant and Telegram). Unlike Hipstamatic which adds the effects to your photo as you […]

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The End of the Paper Notepad is Nigh!

I appreciate this is a concept rendering, but if the NoteSlate uses the Kent Display technology, then the promised sub $100 price point should be achievable, after all, the BoogieBoard, which uses the same screen technology retails for only $40… although the lack of a save function on the BoogieBoard is a major drawback, but […]

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Android 3.0 Honeycomb

It would appear my previous post about 20 tablets so far being announced at CES was premature, apparently there’s been over 200 so far! So there’s no doubting that 2011 will be the year of the tablet, but what isn’t clear just yet, is who will be the winners and who will be the losers […]

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Hey Man, You Wanna Buy Some Tabs?

Is there a single large electronics company NOT announcing a Tablet at CES this year? I’ve read about 20 so far and the numbers keep growing! There’s dual screens (NEC Cloud Communicator, not good), one with a coloured e-ink display (Pocket Book Mirasol, I’m really interested in that one!), one using a LED / eInk […]

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Project iPad

Rupert Murdoch is probably pretty pissed off at Richard Branson right now, as he’s just released the first daily magazine for the iPad, named Project, months ahead of Murdoch’s very own daily, to be named The Daily You can download the app for free today, then pay a monthly subscription of £1.79 / £$2.99, for […]

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The Barnes and Noble RootColor

That didn’t take long I jokingly surmised a few weeks ago that the NookColor could become the Android hack platform of choice, after all it is a very affordable 7″ LCD touch screen Android device for only $250, well it looks like the Dev community at NookDevs now have root access to the device! If […]

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CNN Augmented Reality & iPads

Noticed this on the Engadget website… CNN using Augmented Reality to present statistics of the recent midterm elections… it’s a little information overload, but it’s interesting to see the compare using an iPad to pull up data on screen as he speaks. Video on engadget other posts about Augmented Reality AR in Magazines AR Business […]

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DVD Zero, Downloads One

Apple today showed off their latest bit of techno-lust, the MacBook Air and I must say it’s rather gorgeous. It’s lighter, slimmer and more powerful than ever, and it even costs less! Also worth noting is that they no longer give you the option replacing the harddrive with a flash drive, as flash drives now […]

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glif iPhone 4 Tripod Mount and Stand

I’ve mentioned iPhone lens kits and tripod mounts before, but this is so simple and such a great idea! plus it’s an amazing case study for Kickstarter The glif needed $10K to get started, they launched on kickstarter Oct 3rd, they’re currently at $66K and they’ve still 27 days to go! More info at The Glif […]

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The App Genome Project

At the Black Hat Security Conference, Lookout unveiled the App Genome Project, which is the largest mobile application dataset ever created. In an ongoing effort to map and study mobile applications, the App Genome Project was created to identify security threats in the wild and provide insight into how applications are accessing personal data, as […]

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