The Beauty of Mathematics

I love mathematics (don’t ask, I generally keep that quiet)I love visualisation, and I love this video!Don’t worry you don’t have to like or know anything about maths to love this(you need to watch it full screen to appreciate it) “Mathematics. Rightly viewed, possesses not only truth but beauty. A beauty cold and austere, without […]

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Information Visualization Definition

Data: a record of related quantities Information: organised data Information Visualisation: schematically represented information But that only defines what it is, not it’s purpose & why? Purpose: “to clearly communicate information, stimulating viewer engagement & attention” Why?: To gain knowledge (meaningfully interpreted information) There’s a balancing act a creative must perform between form & function, plus they’re influenced […]

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Path to Protest Timeline

Here’s a nicely crafted timeline of the uprisings in North Africa & the Middle East, one of the simplest yet clearest timelines I’ve seen… although, personally I think the scroll bar at the top should be more prominent, and the small side navigation is pointless, but the results are cear and easy to follow. you […]

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A Walk on the Wild Side

Seth Godin posted an interesting graphic yesterday that caught my eye, a perfect example of data mining (sorry couldn’t resist that one) Original Source and Seth’s Post It’s not that surprising when you think about it, but let’s look at another example, Death Rate by Mode of Transport in the UK… (NB: Flying doesn’t appear, as […]

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The World’s Aging Population

You may have worked out by now that I’m a statistics and infographics junkie… so here is a brilliantly executed  interactive infographic that highlights the predicted age by percentage of various nations… as you will see, Japan, South Korea and Italy will have a very different looking population by 2050, compared to today by Fathom […]

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eBooks Outselling Paperbacks

Last week Amazon announced that it is now selling more eBooks than paperbacks (already 3x as many hardbacks). Amazon predicted this would happen in Q2 of 2011, but sales are obviously wildly beyond Amazon’s own predictions! is now selling more Kindle books than paperback books. Since the beginning of the year, for every 100 […]

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2010 in review

I doubt you’ve missed me, but I’ve spent the last month backpacking around Cambodia (I shall blog about that soon) I received an email from WordPress a few days ago summarizing my blog for 2010 (below), but upon further investigation what I found interesting was that my page impressions remained the same even when I […]

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CNN Augmented Reality & iPads

Noticed this on the Engadget website… CNN using Augmented Reality to present statistics of the recent midterm elections… it’s a little information overload, but it’s interesting to see the compare using an iPad to pull up data on screen as he speaks. Video on engadget other posts about Augmented Reality AR in Magazines AR Business […]

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Is The Times Paywall Paying Off?

Just how good are the Times and the Sunday Times online figures? Here’s what’s on offer Online access at £1 for a single day or £2 for a week, £10 for a month using the iPad app, if you’re a weekly paper subscriber you get online access for free. Going by the figures released, 100k users are […]

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The App Genome Project

At the Black Hat Security Conference, Lookout unveiled the App Genome Project, which is the largest mobile application dataset ever created. In an ongoing effort to map and study mobile applications, the App Genome Project was created to identify security threats in the wild and provide insight into how applications are accessing personal data, as […]

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Pulse of the Nation

I love data visualisation, in fact I was given a wonderful book entitled “Information is Beautiful” by David McCandleless as a present a few days ago… anyway I just stumbled across this on Mashable The video shows the mood in the U.S., as inferred using over 300 million tweets, over the course of the day. […]

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It’s Time For Change

Before I go any further I should inform you, that I’m entirely apolitical, I honestly couldn’t care less about politics, or which political party is in power, but I do believe in democracy, and care about equal rights and fairness As the Conservatives campaign slogan states “It’s Time For Change” And they’re not wrong, but […]

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The Social Media Revolution Fad

As I’ve re-quoted before “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital“ Aaron Levenstein This video makes compelling reading/watching, but read between the lines, there’s more to this than meets the eye, major changes are unfolding in the social media environment, information/data/ID aggregation is becoming the new hot […]

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Millenial Marketing

I’ll admit that I don’t look at my blog stats very often (probably a good thing!), but when I reviewed my incoming links this morning one in particular stood out. It was from a site named Millenial Marketing by Carol Philips. So I hopped over there to see why I got the click throughs. Carol […]

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