Homeless Guy with Golden Voice

I saw this video on Phil’s Unionversity website yesterday and was blown away by this guys voice, the voice just doesn’t go with what you’re seeing, he’s amazing! Drugs and alcohol have taken their toll on his life and he’s fallen on hard times, but the social web has shown it’s a force for good […]

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The Social Media Revolution Fad

As I’ve re-quoted before “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital“ Aaron Levenstein This video makes compelling reading/watching, but read between the lines, there’s more to this than meets the eye, major changes are unfolding in the social media environment, information/data/ID aggregation is becoming the new hot […]

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Organic Fusion Engineer

I dislike job titles (especially inflated ones), I never use one myself, your actions define what you do for a living, not your business card. If you excel at your work, you won’t require a job title, you probably won’t need business cards either, as everyone will already know what you do & who you […]

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what’s the f’in diffference?

here’s a great quote, unfortunately I don’t know who said it… “I wish to do something Great & Wonderful, but I must first start by doing the small things like they are great & wonderful” As I’ve posted previously, don’t become indifferent to your customers or clients, you could lose them not only because  you […]

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Welcome To The Party

We all use social networks in different ways, some for work, some for play, some for play while at work!? No matter how you use them, you’re going to meet someone that uses the same network differently. The two networks getting most press coverage currently are Twitter & Facebook, both of which have very different […]

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Look for questions, not answers

Asking the right questions, is more important than having all the answers. Knowing how to to get higher rankings in a Google search isn’t as important as asking, will it make any difference? It’s likely your time & effort would be better invested in creating effective ways to interact with your current customers, than spending […]

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An (i)nspired Idea

In my very first blog entry I asked the question where do you get your inspiration?, then a similar question in Naked Inspiration, but now there’s an inspired idea, that gives an easy way for you to show your thought processes and give thanks to those that have inspired you along the way. When writing […]

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Marketing or Publicity?

Well, basically it depends how much you want to spend… simply put you pay for marketing, while publicity is free! well free as far as you don’t give anyone any money, but of course it doesn’t just happen on it’s own, you’ve got to invest the time & effort, but it’s probably more fruitful than […]

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