I’ll admit that I don’t look at my blog stats very often (probably a good thing!), but when I reviewed my incoming links this morning one in particular stood out. It was from a site named Millenial Marketing by Carol Philips. So I hopped over there to see why I got the click throughs. Carol had written a great post about The Facebook Juggernaut and linked back to my “Time for Facebook to face the facts” post.
Carol’s blog is chock full of really useful and interesting statistics & advice on marketing & branding to Generation Y, it’s definitely worth adding to your blog list.
Carol is also the President of Brand Amplitude a brand research and consulting firm, they have a great selection of insightful white papers on their site.
Brendan: Thanks for the amazing promo! With fans like this, I should be as famous as Seth Godin before long. Great to connect with you. Carol Phillips