Busking? There’s an App for That!

Here’s a wonderful example of grass roots viral marketing, or is it?

when you have a need to get as large an audience or following as possible…

Start by (and the is the hardest part of all) with an original idea, something remarkable

then make it easy for users to pass on links of your product or discuss it, by utilising social media networks

to create as big a buzz as possible try to piggyback off a product or brand that already has a huge buzz and audience who are already talking about it, as yours will benefit immensely from this brand association, in this case the iPhone… but be careful with this, choose your brand association carefully, it needs to be aligned to your own core values and brand proposition, plus don’t get dwarfed, you want people saying how good your product is, not how good your viral marketing idea was!

In this case I think the later may happen, but it’s still a wonderfully inventive idea and should boost Atomic Tom’s recognition and standing (I certainly hope it does)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAllFWSl998]

if you like the tune you can get it on iTunes

via Engadget





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