Tag: iPhone
iPhone Still Plagued by Dropped Calls
iPhone survives falling out of a skydivers pocket at 13,500 feet! (that’s 2.5miles!) CNN report
Olloclip iPhone Lens Adapter
The Olloclip is a simple idea that’s destined to sell incredibly well. With everyone predominately taking photos with their mobile phone, and with the iPhone being the out and out winner in terms of Flickr uploads, the Olloclip adds a wide angle and super wide fish eye lens to your iPhone, plus it has a…
Have a Camper Day
I just stumbled across a video of the Have a Camper Day iPad / iPhone app. It’s gorgeous here today in London (far too nice for me to be stuck in doors working, but needs must!)… anyway this app would brighten up the gloomiest of days, and by the look of the forecast I might…
The Verizon Waltz
It wasn’t long ago that Verizon were parodying Apple’s “There’s an App for That” adverts, in order to gain subscribers from AT&T to their own network, but it appears the two network giants have made up and become friends in their latest joint advert! Or maybe they’re both worried about the latest T-Mobile advert, which…
A while back I waxed lyrical about a fantastic Photography iPhone App named Hipstamatic, which I use almost daily and used extensively on my recent trip to Cambodia. Well I’ve just stumbled across another App named Instragram (a mash up of Instant and Telegram). Unlike Hipstamatic which adds the effects to your photo as you…
Android 3.0 Honeycomb
It would appear my previous post about 20 tablets so far being announced at CES was premature, apparently there’s been over 200 so far! So there’s no doubting that 2011 will be the year of the tablet, but what isn’t clear just yet, is who will be the winners and who will be the losers…
The New iPhone 42 (that’s 42 inches!)
I’ve seen some DIY iPhone tables before, but this is the best yet! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCbSwOgNzZg] http://tableconnect.co.cc
David Hockney iPad Sketches Exhibition
David Hockney has been a fan of the iPhone and iPad for sometime, having replaced his paper sketch pad with them. Over the past year Hockney has produced over 300 sketches, some of which will be on display at his Flesh Flowers exhibition in Paris. “The great thing about it, is the distribution of the…
glif iPhone 4 Tripod Mount and Stand
I’ve mentioned iPhone lens kits and tripod mounts before, but this is so simple and such a great idea! plus it’s an amazing case study for Kickstarter The glif needed $10K to get started, they launched on kickstarter Oct 3rd, they’re currently at $66K and they’ve still 27 days to go! [vimeo 15493382] More info at…