Tag: online video

  • 3 Bee Printing

    This is a genius idea… I love bees (I’ve been planning on installing a bee hive in my garden), so when I saw this video promoting Dewars Highlander Honey Whisky I just had to post it here.  

  • Pay Up, or We’ll Send The Boy Round

    mmmm, having avoided paying £500m in tax this year, it’s rather ironic of Barclays to create this advert, but maybe that’s the whole point, it will undoubtedly get tongues wagging… although I’ve got to add, I really liked the advert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ipX2UoWDYlA To send your own gentle reminder here

  • The Bark Side

    Chewbacca’s my favourite   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6ntDYjS0Y3w

  • Makes You Think Doesn’t It?

    So switch off your computer, go outside and do something!

  • Earth

    There’s not much I can say except… watch this, you won’t regret it [vimeo 32001208 width=”600″] full screen version

  • Do You Give a Shit?

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CyD3R_glXY] give-a-shit.org you should follow me on Twitter

  • London Riots: Looting by Organised Crime

    While London was ablaze last night so was Twitter with #londonriots, not that any of it was worth reading, mostly knee jerk reactions saying, we need the army on the streets, oh I’m ashamed to be from the UK, if the police can’t handle this what about the Olympics, bring out the water cannons, use…

  • Post It Notes Animation

    Looks like Aardman may already have a competitor on their hands for the largest stop motion animation! 350,000 post it notes were used in the making of this animation, which took 5months to complete! That’s a lot of paper! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=znN4vKL8baA] source Adweek

  • Gulp

    Having created the worlds smallest stop motion animation entitled Dot, Nokia set Sumo Science of Aardman the task of creating the worlds largest stop motion animation, the result is entitled “Gulp” [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieN2vhslTTU] the making of Gulp [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fza5QdTfyxs] you should follow me on twitter here

  • Paper Résumés Don’t Cut it Anymore

    When applying for  a creative position, presenting a well designed résumé is a given, but it’s not enough, you need to be creative, you need to make an impression, be unforgettable… That’s what Victor Petit set out to do… and yes he got the job! [vimeo http://vimeo.com/21228618] You should follow me on twitter