Category: Brands & Marketing
3 Bee Printing
This is a genius idea… I love bees (I’ve been planning on installing a bee hive in my garden), so when I saw this video promoting Dewars Highlander Honey Whisky I just had to post it here.
Can I Ask You For Something?
I just stumbled upon this video by Amanda Palmer, it’s worth 15mins of your time. She outlines her experiences on the relationship of an artist and a fan, and how she overcame her initial feelings of guilt when “Asking” for help. It all boils down to two way engagement and building trust. Rather serendipitously Seth Godin…
Virgin on The Ridiculous
I’m guessing (hoping) this is a way to get press coverage and get people talking, rather than Virgin’s new way of doing safety videos, although I could be wrong. Although as I’ve posted before, Air New Zealand and Cebu Pacific have their own unique ways for inflight safety demonstrations
iBeacons, Apple’s Stealth NFC Killer (Plus a Retailers Dream!)
I’ve an iOS developers account, so I’ve been playing around with iOS7 for a month or so, and have to say it’s pretty good, there’s still a way to go yet and there’s still a few bugs to iron out, plus I’m glad to see the back of all that digital felt & leather! But that’s not why…
The Real Thing
I really like coca cola, when I was in my 20’s I’d drink about 2-3 ltrs of the stuff a day (yes you read that correctly, that’s 8-10 cans a day), and contrary to what you may think, I was as thin then as I am now, plus I still have all my own teeth!…
What You Lookin’ At?
Now here’s a neat use for a lenticular poster
Do You Want a Green Egg?
“Help us help the environment, go paperless” is the pitch you get from your utility company, your bank, your broadband provider and anyone else that sees sending you a paper statement or invoice in the post as a cost to them. We all know that they don’t actually care about the cost to the environment,…