A while back I waxed lyrical about a fantastic Photography iPhone App named Hipstamatic, which I use almost daily and used extensively on my recent trip to Cambodia. Well I’ve just stumbled across another App named Instragram (a mash up of Instant and Telegram). Unlike Hipstamatic which adds the effects to your photo as you […]

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Homeless Guy with Golden Voice

I saw this video on Phil’s Unionversity website yesterday and was blown away by this guys voice, the voice just doesn’t go with what you’re seeing, he’s amazing! Drugs and alcohol have taken their toll on his life and he’s fallen on hard times, but the social web has shown it’s a force for good […]

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Associated Media vs Social Media

I don’t think the term “Social Media” is applicable anymore, fair enough it evolved from the early online community sites, but the term now encompasses virtually all manner of web 2.0, blogs, data aggregation services etc, most of which have nothing to do with being social, so it’s much more than a way to connect […]

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The Social Media Revolution Fad

As I’ve re-quoted before “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital“ Aaron Levenstein This video makes compelling reading/watching, but read between the lines, there’s more to this than meets the eye, major changes are unfolding in the social media environment, information/data/ID aggregation is becoming the new hot […]

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Seth Godin London Session

A couple of weeks ago I attended a Seth Godin presentation in London, produced by Mark Muggeridge of Evil Genius. I first heard of the event on Triiibes when Mark announced he’d been in discussions with Seth about putting on an event. Having been involved in live events myself for almost 20 years, I offered […]

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Twitter vs Facebook

Here‘s an terrific post asking the question, “Twitter vs Facebook: Should you choose one?” I recommend reading the whole post, plus some of the comments make interesting reading as well, here’s the posts conclusion: In the end, both Twitter and Facebook are simply communication tools; both will continue to evolve and morph as users find […]

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What the F*ck Man… I want doughnuts

I first heard about the Christian Bale hissy fit on Phil’s Unionversity blog, but here’s a couple of inventive alternatives, the doughnuts one is brilliantly done. While amusing for those not involved, these clips aren’t one offs, I’ve worked on numerous film sets and know enough people within the industry to know these are a […]

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Fakebook: Koobface Virus

If you use Facebook, then you should read this article from the BBC about the Koobface virus that has been playing havoc on Facebook. Below is a snippet of the article, but follow the link to read it all on the BBC site. ‘Koobface’ spreads by sending a message to people’s inboxes, pretending to be […]

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Get Mobile

There’s great advantage of brevity, we all use our mobiles for communicating, for texting and now surfing the web. Your kids and grand-children, will be using mobile devices we’ve never dreamed of, and they’ll probably never see let alone use a computer, because they won’t exist… Sounds unlikely, well ask yourself this, you don’t expect […]

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I can’t get no…

Go on admit it, you know you jutted your lips out just then and said “mmm, mmm, mmm satis-fact-shun” Well maybe you can now… if you have a niggle about something, or want to ask the guys that actually make the products you’re using, check out Get Satisfaction What better way is there for a […]

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Marketing or Publicity?

Well, basically it depends how much you want to spend… simply put you pay for marketing, while publicity is free! well free as far as you don’t give anyone any money, but of course it doesn’t just happen on it’s own, you’ve got to invest the time & effort, but it’s probably more fruitful than […]

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