Get Mobile

There’s great advantage of brevity, we all use our mobiles for communicating, for texting and now surfing the web.

Your kids and grand-children, will be using mobile devices we’ve never dreamed of, and they’ll probably never see let alone use a computer, because they won’t exist… Sounds unlikely, well ask yourself this, you don’t expect them to buy vinyl, or even CD’s anymore, they’ll just download music, DVD’s & BluRay, will be gone in 5 years (BluRay may hold one for 10 years tops). In developing nations, almost anyone can get a mobile phone or has seen one, the rate of computers being sold year on year is dropping, while mobiles is increasing. In these countries the users will again never see or use a computer, Even, English won’t be the main language spoken on the internet, countries such as India & China dwarf English speaking nations, plus with ICANN soon allowing non-roman characters to be used in URL’s this change will probably happen quicker than anyone expects.

Anyway I’m breaking my first rule, “Brevity”, but you needed to think about all this… the mobile platform & brevity are the future, make sure you’re part of it.



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  1. […] a post on his blog about Facebook Usage Statistics for 2008 which made me think about something I mentioned a few weeks ago, as I noticed within Facebook’s top 21 only India & Hong Kong appear for […]

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