Tag: brevity

  • How many SMS messages will be sent on New Years Eve 2008/9

    On New Years Eve 2008, an estimated 43 billion SMS messages where sent globally! Which was up 30% on 2007, but the rise wasn’t evenly spread… Portugal tripled and The Netherlands doubled. Developing nations are by far the fastest expanding mobile markets, India’s 220 million mobile subscribers sent over a billion, a 300% rise on…

  • Got Something to Say?

    I got your press release, 
I wouldn’t change a single word… 
and that single word is on page 5! Ouch! but in today’s fast paced attention grabbing media frenzy, you really have to get to the point in seconds or your reader is gone, there’s too many choices, yet too little time. Sticking your press…

  • Get Mobile

    There’s great advantage of brevity, we all use our mobiles for communicating, for texting and now surfing the web. Your kids and grand-children, will be using mobile devices we’ve never dreamed of, and they’ll probably never see let alone use a computer, because they won’t exist… Sounds unlikely, well ask yourself this, you don’t expect…