Tag: PR

  • Be Unforgettable

    When you devise your company name or create it’s brand & identity, create a marketing/ advertising/ viral campaign, put on a live event or show, interact with a client or customer, you have a choice… you can be memorable… you can be remarkable you could even be phenomenal… but best of all, be unforgettable! (for…

  • Don’t Become Indifferent

    “You don’t have to do something wrong to lose a customer, sometimes it’s because you didn’t do enough” Brendan Mitchell

  • Will This Advertising Idea Ever Fly

    To promote their exhibition stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Eichborn the publisher with the fly prepared 200 flies with an ultra light banner. The banner was attached with natural wax. After a short time the banner dropped off by itself. And the flies were not harmed. The concept is certainly remarkable, if not unforgettable,…

  • Trust Me, I’m a Blogger

    While taking a break from my hectic morning schedule of making myself a cup of tea & finding some clean socks to wear I thought I’d check in and see what little bread crumbs my fellow Twits had left for me. Sure enough there were plenty, but one from Jaculynn stood out more than most…

  • It’s Hammer Time: The Comcast Way

    If ever you needed evidence that web 2.0 is reversing the balance of power into the hands of the consumer, then check out these videos and the www.comcastmustdie.com website. I’ve posted previously how the tide is changing & how companies need to be in there engaging with their customers and protecting their brands, companies ignoring…

  • How To Make People Read My Blog

    In a follow up from my “nobody reads my blog” post (which ironically is now my second most read individual post!?!?), I recently posted on the triiibes forum where a member was asking a question along the lines of “how to write a blog that someone will read?” well the answer is easy, don’t write…

  • Faceparty: A different approach to customer service

    I was just reading a post “Jaw Droppers of 2008 – What they’d rather you forgot” on The Register where they recap the most embarasing moments from the past 12 months. The bit about an online community I’d never heard of before named Faceparty, and how they dealt out their customer service is priceless and…

  • Apple Announces Its Last Year at Macworld

    At first this may appear as an irrelevant press release, but upon reflection it’s actually very telling of how media relations are changing in light of social media & web 2.0 plus the effect it’s having on the live events industry. Although Apple appears to rely entirely on it’s website & blanket media advertising for…

  • Got Something to Say?

    I got your press release, 
I wouldn’t change a single word… 
and that single word is on page 5! Ouch! but in today’s fast paced attention grabbing media frenzy, you really have to get to the point in seconds or your reader is gone, there’s too many choices, yet too little time. Sticking your press…

  • Can Stephen Fry kill a gadget?

    For one answer click this link to the BBC dot.life article by Rory Cellan-Jones It’s a good question to ask and anyone in a marketing or branding department should take note, as it’s not just gadgets that can be made or broken in this way, but services, reputations or even your brand! There’s been a…