No I’m not talking about the 80’s Norwegian boy band
I just stumbled across Aha Moment a website full of short videos of people decribing their Aha Moment. One that struck a cord with me was Siobhan Neilland’s Aha Moment…
“My aha moment happened two and a half years ago, when I lost a baby through a miscarriage. I got really depressed, so I decided to stop everything and go to Africa to try to see if I could help other people. I ended up volunteering with this organization that did malaria prevention in Uganda.
One of the women I met with was Jamira, who’s a midwife. Something happened when I met her. I was staring at the bed where thousands of women have had their babies with the same black, blood-soaked pad. They were just deplorable conditions. I said, ‘I can help change this…”
Check out her One Mama website