glif iPhone 4 Tripod Mount and Stand

I’ve mentioned iPhone lens kits and tripod mounts before, but this is so simple and such a great idea! plus it’s an amazing case study for Kickstarter

The glif needed $10K to get started, they launched on kickstarter Oct 3rd, they’re currently at $66K and they’ve still 27 days to go!

[vimeo 15493382]

More info at The Glif

UPDATE: They reached $137,417







3 responses to “glif iPhone 4 Tripod Mount and Stand”

  1. Brad PCT Avatar

    I know the Glif is great, but you do have to take your phone out of its case to use it, and it only works with the iphone 4. I work for PC Treasures, and we just came out with this thing called the Grippit, which attaches any smartphone to your tripod, and lets you keep it in the case. Also, it’s ten bucks cheaper. Check it out here:

  2. […] a while ago, but I just stumbled on the Cosmonaut by Studio Neat, the guys that created the Glif, which in case you missed it is a cool iPhone tripod mount and stand, that had a very successful […]

  3. […] posted info on iPhone mounts and lenses previously (Glif, Owle, Olloclip, SLR adapter) but this is a first, an iPad 2 […]

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