A Walk on the Wild Side

Seth Godin posted an interesting graphic yesterday that caught my eye, a perfect example of data mining (sorry couldn’t resist that one)

Original Source and Seth’s Post

It’s not that surprising when you think about it, but let’s look at another example, Death Rate by Mode of Transport in the UK… (NB: Flying doesn’t appear, as it’s so low, less than 0.02%). Motorcycles are the unsurprising leader, although the gap between Cars and Motorcycles is frightening! We’re constantly reminded to wear cycle helmets when we’re riding, yet you’re more likely to get killed when walking than when riding a bike! It would be interesting to add Skiing & Snowboarding to this list, but I’ve not been able to find any data on that yet, but I’m looking, if you find anything, let me know. In the meantime, my advice, no more texting or using your mobile while walking, it’s dangerous out there!

Motorcycle: 88.8 / Walking: 30.9 / Bicycle: 24.2 / Car: 1.9 / Van: 0.5 / Bus or coach: 0.1 / Rail: 0.3 / Water: 0.9

original source

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