Tag: Seth Godin

  • Can I Ask You For Something?

    I just stumbled upon this video by Amanda Palmer, it’s worth 15mins of your time. She outlines her experiences on the relationship of an artist and a fan, and how she overcame her initial feelings of guilt when “Asking” for help. It all boils down to two way engagement and building trust. Rather serendipitously Seth Godin…

  • Make Your Business Viral, Not Just Your Campaigns

    A campaign can give your product & service exposure, but it can’t make your business a success, only your customers can do that. If your campaign goes viral, great, but if your business or offerings aren’t as well, then the campaign was probably pointless. You want people talking about how good your product is, not how…

  • eBooks Are For Weirdos

    According to a new survey by Harris Interactive 1 in 6 Americans now use an eReader with 1 in 6 likely to purchase one within the next 6 months. That’s 15%, which is almost double what it was this time last year, 8%. Also eBook readers purchase more books and read on average more than paper…

  • A Walk on the Wild Side

    Seth Godin posted an interesting graphic yesterday that caught my eye, a perfect example of data mining (sorry couldn’t resist that one) Original Source and Seth’s Post It’s not that surprising when you think about it, but let’s look at another example, Death Rate by Mode of Transport in the UK… (NB: Flying doesn’t appear, as…

  • Jobs Worth

    I enjoy Seth’s blog, it’s predominately insightful and often inspirational… I receive it via email every morning, although I’ve still got over 200 of them that I’ve not read! but regardless of that I’d still recommend you read his blog. Anyway I stumbled across one of his recent entries this morning and it reminded me…

  • Le Roi est Mort

    In my Digital Brand Protection days, I had a presentation based around ROI, but it had a twist, as on the last slide I revealed I hadn’t been referring to “Return On Investment” as everybody thought, but “Risk Of Investment” that got their attention! Upon jumping back & going through the presentation again, the audience…

  • Seth Godin London Session

    A couple of weeks ago I attended a Seth Godin presentation in London, produced by Mark Muggeridge of Evil Genius. I first heard of the event on Triiibes when Mark announced he’d been in discussions with Seth about putting on an event. Having been involved in live events myself for almost 20 years, I offered…

  • Seth Godin Podcast

    I had the good fortune to arrange a live webcast with Seth Godin, to discuss his latest book. The original idea was by Elizabeth Cook, but as I’ve been doing webcasts since 1999, I said I’d be happy to help out. This was actually recorded on the 12th September, before his book was released, so…

  • Tribes Q&A

    Here’s another free eBook created by the guys in Triiibes unlike the case studies ebook, this time, this one has been laid out properly (by Paul “Bolofeesh” Durban) and has been edited to make it a better read. Paul’s even created a Kinetic Typography style video to entice you (there’s obviously a lot more to…