Tag: Your Small Change™
Size Matters
Here’s a great presentation by Nigel Marsh given at TEDx Sydney in May, I recommend watching it, it’s only 10mins long, here’s a snippet “the small things matter… being more balanced doesn’t mean dramatic upheaval in your life… with the smallest investment in the right places, you can radically transform the quality of your life…
Aha Moment
No I’m not talking about the 80’s Norwegian boy band I just stumbled across Aha Moment a website full of short videos of people decribing their Aha Moment. One that struck a cord with me was Siobhan Neilland’s Aha Moment… “My aha moment happened two and a half years ago, when I lost a baby…
A Balancing Act
Too many ideas, too little time! That may sound a little arrogant, but it’s actually a genuine problem, and I’m not the only one. Some may say it’s a good problem, but I’m not so sure. It’s frustrating as hell to have an idea or a solution, that you know you have to let go…
Fun Feels Good
I saw this on Jodi’s Blog the other day and thought what a brilliant way of showing how approaching an issue in a new or fun way can have terrific results by engaging the user in a visceral experience (see Anne’s blog for more on that). What’s also interesting is that this is entirely a…
I hear there’s a recession, but I’ve decided not to take part
At the end of 2007 I sold two of my companies, vision360 & ezpresenter, to the Cordovan Group, with the new company becoming Cordovan Digital (where I’m currently a Board Director). We’ve had a pretty good year, highest turnover & profits of our previous 10 year history, so I can’t say fairer than that. Of…