Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Forget Fish, Get Fired!
Build a man a fire & he’ll be warm for a day… set a man on fire & he’ll be warm for the rest of his life!
Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour films, music, books, paintings, poems, photographs, conversations, dreams, trees, architecture, street signs, clouds, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable. Originality…
Do You Want a Green Egg?
“Help us help the environment, go paperless” is the pitch you get from your utility company, your bank, your broadband provider and anyone else that sees sending you a paper statement or invoice in the post as a cost to them. We all know that they don’t actually care about the cost to the environment,…
Stick to What You Know
“It’s not necessary to use chop-sticks, when a knife and fork will do.” Unknown Chinese Businessman in Singapore
Be Unforgettable
When you devise your company name or create it’s brand & identity, create a marketing/ advertising/ viral campaign, put on a live event or show, interact with a client or customer, you have a choice… you can be memorable… you can be remarkable you could even be phenomenal… but best of all, be unforgettable! (for…
Breaking The Rules
Rules of Grammar: A double negative is a no no
Why oh Why
“its not what, but why you do something that matters” Brendan Mitchell
WiFi Visualisation as You’ve Never Seen it Before
“In order to study the spatial and material qualities of wireless networks, we built a WiFi measuring rod that visualises WiFi signal strength as a bar of lights. When moved through space the rod displays changes in the WiFi signal. Long-exposure photographs of the moving rod reveal cross sections of a network’s signal strength.” YOUrban.no…
Got any book recommendations?