Tag: YouTube

  • Video Jukebox Anyone?

    Want to download a video from YouTube (or most websites?) Install this plugin for Firefox http://www.downloadhelper.net/ Of course most files stored on YouTube are in Adobe’s Flash format (.flv), so you will require something to play them back. You can use VLC, but wouldn’t it be better if you could us QuickTime? Download and install Perian (you’ll need…

  • The Apple iPad

    mmmmmmm… not quite what I was expecting from Apple! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFNQE_TzQNI]

  • Why Take The Bus When You Can Moon Walk?

    This video, filmed over the course of 15 months, depicts a man doing some bus stop dancing while waiting for public transport. During the video, the man shows off his best Michael Jackson moves to the world. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW1gHwiZJFg]

  • There’s An Ad For That

    You have to admire Verizon’s audacity in creating this advert to try and snag AT&T customers over to their network, by playing upon Apple’s “There’s an App for That” tagline used in their iPhone & App Store adverts (in case you’ve been living in a cave for the past year, you’ll find plenty of them…

  • Thank You Geezus

    I know it’s very immature but what the hell, it made me laugh (especially 3 minutes in). Although it’s worth bearing in mind that this is actually quite funny even without the dubbing (f*cking scary actually!). Special thanks to Ed Alves for posting this on his Facebook wall, what terrific friends I have! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYMuhN7OZgM]

  • What In Dear God Is Microsoft Thinking!

    Microsoft have surpassed themselves, as only Microsoft can. I never thought my nomination of their Songsmith advert for worst video of 2009 could be beaten… unbelievably, they’ve proven me wrong! The Windows 7 Launch House Party? At first I thought this was a parody, but no, it’s actually real! Just make sure your diary is…

  • Graphic Designer vs Client

    This is pure f***king genius!! There isn’t a designer in the world that won’t relate to this! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfprIxNfCjk] created using www.xtranormal.com

  • Did You Know, Shift Happens

    As I’m a bit of a closet statistics junkie & as these videos have been bouncing around the web for the past 2-3 years, I thought I’d compile a post with some of the best. Did You Know? 3.0 (Official Video) -2009 Edition [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHmwZ96_Gos] Did You Know 4.0 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQFTUJK9TkI] Did You Know 4.0 (Convergence) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8]…

  • Inspiration

    I saw this video posted on Mark Kragh’s (Founder of Know Your Planet) Facebook profile this morning and thought what a wonderful example for inspiration… proves that with the right motivation, mindset & determination, anything is possible! So next time you think something is too difficult or you’re getting frustrated with everything, remind yourself of…

  • Lost Woman Remains Found

    The importance of punctuation! Here’s another example (found on Unionversity) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loWFypHb48k]