Tag: YouTube

  • Resigned to Viral Marketing

    Fed up with a boss that wouldn’t listen, by being too focussed on viewing numbers and not quality content, Marina Shifrin decided to quit… but rather than simply writing an email giving her reasons why, she created a video herself to get her point across… and with 13,000,000 views in 5 days, she’s obviously getting…

  • The Real Thing

    I really like coca cola, when I was in my 20’s I’d drink about 2-3 ltrs of the stuff a day (yes you read that correctly, that’s 8-10 cans a day), and contrary to what you may think, I was as thin then as I am now, plus I still have all my own teeth!…

  • London Riots: Looting by Organised Crime

    While London was ablaze last night so was Twitter with #londonriots, not that any of it was worth reading, mostly knee jerk reactions saying, we need the army on the streets, oh I’m ashamed to be from the UK, if the police can’t handle this what about the Olympics, bring out the water cannons, use…

  • Homeless Guy with Golden Voice

    I saw this video on Phil’s Unionversity website yesterday and was blown away by this guys voice, the voice just doesn’t go with what you’re seeing, he’s amazing! Drugs and alcohol have taken their toll on his life and he’s fallen on hard times, but the social web has shown it’s a force for good…

  • The New iPhone 42 (that’s 42 inches!)

    I’ve seen some DIY iPhone tables before, but this is the best yet! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCbSwOgNzZg] http://tableconnect.co.cc

  • Sour

    Jay sent me the link to this music video at the weekend assuming I’d like it, he was right, it’s wonderful, and 3 million other You Tube users think the same. Plus it would appear Pepsi were inspired by the idea for their Pepsi Refresh Project (One People) commercial “This music video was shot for…

  • Judit & Judit

    I’d not heard of Judit and Judit before, but they appear to be a couple of comediennes from Sweden, anyway their parody of YouTube greats is brilliant [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NL2IRmYbA0]

  • Honda – The Cog

    Having posted the OK Go video a couple of days ago, I thought I’d share this one with you too [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ve4M4UsJQo&NR=1]

  • OK Go: This Too Shall Pass

    Building upon the success of their previous video OK Go decided to get a little more adventurous! Again all done in one take, just like the brilliant  yet effortless looking Brylcreem advert [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w]

  • OK Go Here it Goes Again

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTAAsCNK7RA] I know it’s been around a long time and there’s been a few copycat TV adverts, but you can’t help watching this all the way through and admiring the originality and imagining the time taken to rehearse it, so as to do it in one take!