Tag: iPad
David Hockney iPad Sketches Exhibition
David Hockney has been a fan of the iPhone and iPad for sometime, having replaced his paper sketch pad with them. Over the past year Hockney has produced over 300 sketches, some of which will be on display at his Flesh Flowers exhibition in Paris. “The great thing about it, is the distribution of the…
There’s Music in the Air
I’ve been using Airfoil by Rogue Amoeba for years to pump audio from my Mac to my Airport Express… but I hadn’t realised they’d created a FREE app named Airfoil Speakers, that turns your iPhone/iPod/iPad or any Mac or PC on your WIFI network into a wireless audio receiver. That’s saved me buying another airport…
My iPad at My Pad
I got a nice surprise an hour ago… my shiny new iPad arrived, woohoo! All I have to do now, is work out why I bought it 🙂