Tag: iPad

  • iPad Movie Mount

    I’ve posted info on iPhone mounts and lenses previously (Glif, Owle, Olloclip, SLR adapter) but this is a first, an iPad 2 mount! This has been really well thought through, and at $70 / €50 it’s not a bad price either. More info at Makayama [youtube http://youtu.be/J2mKeAmEwOM]

  • Old School Marker Pen for Your iPad

    The instant these things hit the shelf, I’m buying a couple! They’ll work brilliantly with our no paper iPad app (which is also coming soon!) [vimeo 24686042] Scribbly

  • Have a Camper Day

    I just stumbled across a video of the Have a Camper Day iPad / iPhone app. It’s gorgeous here today in London (far too nice for me to be stuck in doors working, but needs must!)… anyway this app would brighten up the gloomiest of days, and by the look of the forecast I might…

  • It’s Official, The iPad2, Gives You Wood

    I’d seen the Miniot iPhone covers, and while very nice (I do love wood), they weren’t really my thing, plus I don’t have a cover on my iPhone anyway… but my iPad is another story. I just stumbled upon this video on Engadget, it almost makes me want to go out and buy an iPad…

  • iPad 64

    A good indicator that your advertising campaign is a success, is when parodies start appearing! (Thanks Carlo) [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKaxGrS_K7k] [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5jMrLqdv4I] you should follow me on twitter here

  • Digital Magazine Sales Dropping on iPad

    Continued from a previous post… Why are digital magazines on the iPad already in decline, after the initial gold rush users are losing interest in the digital versions. Wired, which sold 100K issues of it’s first iPad release, then managed to sell an average of 31K in the following months, with only 23K for October…

  • Digital Adverts More Effective Than Static Print Adverts

    No real surprises there, but it’s good to have some data to back up the claim… Now here’s a title that just rolls off the tongue! Digital Ad Engagement: Perceived Interactivity as a Driver of Advertising Effectiveness snappy eh? Apart from the title, the PDF is worth a read (if you’re into advertising and marketing…

  • Android 3.0 Honeycomb

    It would appear my previous post about 20 tablets so far being announced at CES was premature, apparently there’s been over 200 so far! So there’s no doubting that 2011 will be the year of the tablet, but what isn’t clear just yet, is who will be the winners and who will be the losers…

  • Hey Man, You Wanna Buy Some Tabs?

    Is there a single large electronics company NOT announcing a Tablet at CES this year? I’ve read about 20 so far and the numbers keep growing! There’s dual screens (NEC Cloud Communicator, not good), one with a coloured e-ink display (Pocket Book Mirasol, I’m really interested in that one!), one using a LED / eInk…

  • Project iPad

    Rupert Murdoch is probably pretty pissed off at Richard Branson right now, as he’s just released the first daily magazine for the iPad, named Project, months ahead of Murdoch’s very own daily, to be named The Daily You can download the app for free today, then pay a monthly subscription of £1.79 / £$2.99, for…