Tag: Branding

  • Graphic Designer vs Client

    This is pure f***king genius!! There isn’t a designer in the world that won’t relate to this! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfprIxNfCjk] created using www.xtranormal.com

  • Sometimes, it’s what you don’t say

    If you’re trying to sell sushi, you don’t market it as cold dead fish

  • Did You Know, Shift Happens

    As I’m a bit of a closet statistics junkie & as these videos have been bouncing around the web for the past 2-3 years, I thought I’d compile a post with some of the best. Did You Know? 3.0 (Official Video) -2009 Edition [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHmwZ96_Gos] Did You Know 4.0 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQFTUJK9TkI] Did You Know 4.0 (Convergence) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8]…

  • The Social Media Revolution Fad

    As I’ve re-quoted before “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital“ Aaron Levenstein This video makes compelling reading/watching, but read between the lines, there’s more to this than meets the eye, major changes are unfolding in the social media environment, information/data/ID aggregation is becoming the new hot…

  • Organic Fusion Engineer

    I dislike job titles (especially inflated ones), I never use one myself, your actions define what you do for a living, not your business card. If you excel at your work, you won’t require a job title, you probably won’t need business cards either, as everyone will already know what you do & who you…

  • Keep Walking

    Every now & then you get a real masterpiece of video production, so here’s an exceptional piece of advertising. For an interview with the creators check out Creativity Online [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_8HxteZjIg]

  • Nice to Meat You, Here’s My Card

    Keeping with the meat theme, Phil emailed me this link to Meatcards… this is taking business card branding to a whole new level!

  • Straplines: What’s the point?

    It depends on your name, your offerings, your products & your services. Sometimes the name says it all ie: “Spit ‘n’ Polish Cleaning Services” doesn’t need much else, they’ve already said what they do in their name, while “Sparkle” would benefit from something like “Cleaning That Dazzles!” In the second example, you don’t know whether…

  • what will you aspire to today?

    You can only push marketing so far! This really made me laugh this morning, I mean come on, you’d have to be in a pretty bad place to aspire to being in Slough? Aspire2Slough website

  • Twitter to charge commercial accounts, is this a good idea?

    Where did I hear about this first, on twitter of course! thanks to Matt Ryan In this piece in Marketing Magazine, it would appear Twitter is working out ways to monetize it’s service. Co-founder Biz Stone told Marketing: ‘We are noticing more companies using Twitter and individuals following them. We can identify ways to make…