Tag: Branding
Do You Know Where You’re Going?
Alice asked the Chesire Cat, who was sitting in a tree. “What road do I take?” “Where do you want to go?” the cat asked. “I don’t know” Alice answered. “Then, it really doesn’t matter, does it?” said the cat. If your destination or goals are vague, then the decisions you make will reflect that. You…
Be Unforgettable
When you devise your company name or create it’s brand & identity, create a marketing/ advertising/ viral campaign, put on a live event or show, interact with a client or customer, you have a choice… you can be memorable… you can be remarkable you could even be phenomenal… but best of all, be unforgettable! (for…
Practise What You Tweet
I read this article yesterday about Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter, and how he rarely tweets, sure enough he only has 128 tweets! which was a little surprising, especially as he’s now head of product development… but as he says he uses Twitter for consumption not broadcasting… although he follows just 1,284 users, while he has…
The Name Game
I’ve previously posted with best practices for naming your company, but I just stumbled across this article on Startups.com with 17 (18 actually!) suggestions of things to bear in mind when naming your company, definitely a good read if you’re in the market for naming a product or company
The AAA of Branding
It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write anything about branding so I thought I’d dip my toe into it again and start with a short rule of three that successful brands follow. Attractive: Your customers need a reason, a desire to engage with you. To be drawn in by your brand story…
Air New Zealand staff have nothing to hide
Although it’s about a year old, I just stumbled across this advert… Ground Crew, Pilots, Air Hostesses, body paint, need I say more? Let’s just that Air New Zealand are being upfront about themselves [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elD38pJX7iE&] Plus the inflight safety video [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gF8AY_IfTo] Mind you, Cebu Pacific have a novel way of keeping your attention during the…
Will This Advertising Idea Ever Fly
To promote their exhibition stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Eichborn the publisher with the fly prepared 200 flies with an ultra light banner. The banner was attached with natural wax. After a short time the banner dropped off by itself. And the flies were not harmed. The concept is certainly remarkable, if not unforgettable,…
Fun Feels Good
I saw this on Jodi’s Blog the other day and thought what a brilliant way of showing how approaching an issue in a new or fun way can have terrific results by engaging the user in a visceral experience (see Anne’s blog for more on that). What’s also interesting is that this is entirely a…
There’s An Ad For That
You have to admire Verizon’s audacity in creating this advert to try and snag AT&T customers over to their network, by playing upon Apple’s “There’s an App for That” tagline used in their iPhone & App Store adverts (in case you’ve been living in a cave for the past year, you’ll find plenty of them…