Tag: Apple
DVD Zero, Downloads One
Apple today showed off their latest bit of techno-lust, the MacBook Air and I must say it’s rather gorgeous. It’s lighter, slimmer and more powerful than ever, and it even costs less! Also worth noting is that they no longer give you the option replacing the harddrive with a flash drive, as flash drives now…
MagicPrefs, makes your wireless Magic Mouse… errr, Magic
How did I miss this little gem, if you bought Apple’s bluetooth Magic Mouse, then realised it didn’t have as much functionality of the wired USB Mighty Mouse, fear not, as MagicPrefs is here to save the day! (and yes I agree, they are ridiculously named products!)
iPhone OS 4, does this mean I’m lazy?
Over the weekend I installed the Developers version of iPhone OS 4 (one advantage of being an iPhone Developer), and I must say the multi-tasking is great, although unfortunately several of the apps I’d like to use and test it with haven’t released compatible updates yet… but regardless of that the I’ve found OS 4…
My iPad at My Pad
I got a nice surprise an hour ago… my shiny new iPad arrived, woohoo! All I have to do now, is work out why I bought it 🙂
We ? Adobe
As Adobe & Apple slug it out over the Flash plug, arguing who is more “Open” I stumbled across something today that made me smile. A week ago Adobe placed Ad’s in the broadsheets in the US saying they Love Apple, and that they love choice… but I really smiled when someone, somewhere out there…
There’s An Ad For That
You have to admire Verizon’s audacity in creating this advert to try and snag AT&T customers over to their network, by playing upon Apple’s “There’s an App for That” tagline used in their iPhone & App Store adverts (in case you’ve been living in a cave for the past year, you’ll find plenty of them…
Microsoft’s Not-So-Smart Phone
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opTfPmN0YEM] Thanks to Mary McKnight for posting this on her Facebook page!
Hello I’m a Mac & I’m a PC 1996!
Apple’s “Hello I’m a Mac & I’m a PC” isn’t as original as you might think. Here’s a jpeg a friend sent me a while back from a 1996 Mac Addict magazine, he sent it to me with the message “isn’t this how you used to look in 1996?” and regrettably I had to say…