Tag: Apple

  • What iWant iWatch To Be, Not a Watch!

    While very beautiful, the image above is not what I want a wearable from Apple (or any other manufacturer) to be, and I very much doubt Apple would produce it, not because they couldn’t, but because it doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t serve any additional purpose, users already have an iPhone in their pocket, why…

  • iBeacons, Apple’s Stealth NFC Killer (Plus a Retailers Dream!)

    I’ve an iOS developers account, so I’ve been playing around with iOS7 for a month or so, and have to say it’s pretty good, there’s still a way to go yet and there’s still a few bugs to iron out, plus I’m glad to see the back of all that digital felt & leather! But that’s not why…

  • What’s the Cost of a Bad Brand and What’s a Good One Worth?

    What’s your brand really worth to you? If you’re Coca Cola it’s a heck of a lot, in the past year alone Brand Finance estimate that Coke lost $9bn in Brand Value! In comparison BP and it’s recent Gulf of Mexico disaster lost $3.4bn in brand value last year, only a third of Coke’s loss? Does…

  • Apple’s Flashy iPod Touch Ad

    There’s a iPod Touch advert on Wired’s homepage that’s very smart. Anyone not in the digital media industry, will likely look at the advert and not be overly impressed, but technically, this ad is very impressive, as it extends beyond what you assume is it’s frame, the iPod covers the menu bar above (which remains…

  • Thinking Differently from 1955 to 2011

    Here’s to the Crazy One. The misfit. The rebel. The troublemaker. The round peg in the square hole. The One Who Saw Things Differently. He wasn’t fond of rules. And he had no respect for the status quo. You can quote him, disagree with him, glorify or vilify him. About the only thing you can’t…

  • iWater

    Looks like Apple are about to shake up and dominate another unsuspecting industry with the release of iWater… I guess in this instance the name iH2O wouldn’t work, as that would indicate adding iodine to the mix, not a good idea! Check out Scoopertino for more info you should follow me on Twitter

  • Let Sleeping Lions Lie

    I admit that I’m not one to shy away from hitting the install button and crossing my fingers (although I do always make a thorough back up… I’ve been using computers long enough to know that!) So I took the plunge, I paid my £20 to Apple for OS X 10.7, or in Marketing Speak,…

  • iPad 64

    A good indicator that your advertising campaign is a success, is when parodies start appearing! (Thanks Carlo) [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKaxGrS_K7k] [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5jMrLqdv4I] you should follow me on twitter here

  • Is 2011 The New 1984?

    It was broadcast just once during the 1984 Super Bowl, but that’s all it needed, as when Ridley Scott directed Apple’s iconic and multi-award winning 1984 advert, he created an advert that captured the very essence of what Apple was at that time. The underdog, fighting against the tyranny of the corporate machine, hoping to…

  • Digital Magazine Sales Dropping on iPad

    Continued from a previous post… Why are digital magazines on the iPad already in decline, after the initial gold rush users are losing interest in the digital versions. Wired, which sold 100K issues of it’s first iPad release, then managed to sell an average of 31K in the following months, with only 23K for October…