Tag: Advertising

  • Air New Zealand staff have nothing to hide

    Although it’s about a year old, I just stumbled across this advert… Ground Crew, Pilots, Air Hostesses, body paint, need I say more? Let’s just that Air New Zealand are being upfront about themselves [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elD38pJX7iE&] Plus the inflight safety video [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gF8AY_IfTo] Mind you, Cebu Pacific have a novel way of keeping your attention during the…

  • Double Life

    For years I’ve lived a double life. In the day I do my job, I ride the bus, Roll up my sleeves with the hoi polloi. But at night I live a life of exhilaration, Of missed heartbeats and adrenaline, And, if the truth be known, A life of dubious virtue. I won’t deny I’ve…

  • Do The Skate!?

    That’s not a very nice thing to say about that girl… Oh what innocent times! 50 other examples of advertising in a bygone era here

  • Smoke Get’s In My Eyes

    Like that ever worked! Can you even imagine the world of grief you’d get trying that one out!! Although they maybe right, she might follow, but only so she can see which car you arrived in, so she can scrawl dickhead in your paintwork… More outrageous cigarette adverts from a bygone era here

  • Keep Walking

    Every now & then you get a real masterpiece of video production, so here’s an exceptional piece of advertising. For an interview with the creators check out Creativity Online [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_8HxteZjIg]