Tag: Advertising

  • Virgin on The Ridiculous

    I’m guessing (hoping) this is a way to get press coverage and get people talking, rather than Virgin’s new way of doing safety videos, although I could be wrong. Although as I’ve posted before, Air New Zealand and Cebu Pacific have their own unique ways for inflight safety demonstrations   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtyfiPIHsIg

  • Second Sight

    With more and more of us having a mobile or tablet device within arms reach no matter where we are, you’d think that would give advertisers more opportunities to grab our attention, but the opposite maybe true. With DVR’s we pause live TV and watch it when we want, and more often that not we…

  • What You Lookin’ At?

    Now here’s a neat use for a lenticular poster

  • One For The Ladies

    Here’s a novel way of positively implementing facial recognition software for an advertising campaign by Plan UK. If the poster recognises you as a woman (90% success rate), then it displays a video highlighting how women around the world are denied choices based solely on their gender, with a call to action to become engaged…

  • Apple’s Flashy iPod Touch Ad

    There’s a iPod Touch advert on Wired’s homepage that’s very smart. Anyone not in the digital media industry, will likely look at the advert and not be overly impressed, but technically, this ad is very impressive, as it extends beyond what you assume is it’s frame, the iPod covers the menu bar above (which remains…

  • 60 Things in 60 Secs

    A clever advert, it concentrates on the benefits of using the product rather than the product itself, plus it’s witty, to the point and without doubt, it will be a hit with the wives, girlfriends, or women in general! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCthp6Fr0MI] Thanks to Unionversity for posting this you should follow me on twitter here

  • Is 2011 The New 1984?

    It was broadcast just once during the 1984 Super Bowl, but that’s all it needed, as when Ridley Scott directed Apple’s iconic and multi-award winning 1984 advert, he created an advert that captured the very essence of what Apple was at that time. The underdog, fighting against the tyranny of the corporate machine, hoping to…

  • Digital Magazine Sales Dropping on iPad

    Continued from a previous post… Why are digital magazines on the iPad already in decline, after the initial gold rush users are losing interest in the digital versions. Wired, which sold 100K issues of it’s first iPad release, then managed to sell an average of 31K in the following months, with only 23K for October…

  • Digital Adverts More Effective Than Static Print Adverts

    No real surprises there, but it’s good to have some data to back up the claim… Now here’s a title that just rolls off the tongue! Digital Ad Engagement: Perceived Interactivity as a Driver of Advertising Effectiveness snappy eh? Apart from the title, the PDF is worth a read (if you’re into advertising and marketing…

  • The First Car Recycling Drop Box

    Here’s a terrific idea by Volkwagen’s to market their Polo “Our task was to tell people that the new Polo is produced out of 95% recyclable materials. People in Germany are used to recycled glass, paper and plates. So we just had to expand this matter of course for the new Polo.” Source Design Made…