Category: Wize Wordz

  • Going, Going, Gone

    A stockbroker is someone that looks after your money until it’s all gone Woody Allen

  • Don’t always give them what they want!

    If I I’d asked people what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse Henry Ford

  • Getting More By Letting Go

    “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be” Lao Tzu

  • Good Behaviour

    Anyone can lead, it isn’t about having authority, it’s about gaining trust & respect through the correct behaviour Brendan Mitchell

  • Q&A

    “Asking the right questions, is more important than having all the answers” Brendan Mitchell Look for Questions

  • Size Matters

    Here’s a great presentation by Nigel Marsh given at TEDx Sydney in May, I recommend watching it, it’s only 10mins long, here’s a snippet “the small things matter… being more balanced doesn’t mean dramatic upheaval in your life… with the smallest investment in the right places, you can radically transform the quality of your life…

  • Status Quo aut Quo Vadis?

    “If a competitor is hell bent on pushing forwards when you’re content to sit still, don’t be surprised when they win” Brendan Mitchell

  • Double Life

    For years I’ve lived a double life. In the day I do my job, I ride the bus, Roll up my sleeves with the hoi polloi. But at night I live a life of exhilaration, Of missed heartbeats and adrenaline, And, if the truth be known, A life of dubious virtue. I won’t deny I’ve…

  • Are You Managing to Lead?

    Today I received an email from a friend saying how they are fed up with the continual way their line manager treats them, with little or no respect. I hear this time and time again from friends and colleagues… when will managers realise, if they change their attitude, show genuine leadership and stop being administrators,…

  • Good Advice

    “Avoid procrastination by doing something else” Brendan Mitchell