Category: Wize Wordz

  • Forget Fish, Get Fired!

    Build a man a fire & he’ll be warm for a day… set a man on fire & he’ll be warm for the rest of his life!

  • Steal

    Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour films, music, books, paintings, poems, photographs, conversations, dreams, trees, architecture, street signs, clouds, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable. Originality…

  • Stick to What You Know

    “It’s not necessary to use chop-sticks, 
when a knife and fork will do.” Unknown Chinese Businessman in Singapore

  • Be Unforgettable

    When you devise your company name or create it’s brand & identity, create a marketing/ advertising/ viral campaign, put on a live event or show, interact with a client or customer, you have a choice… you can be memorable… you can be remarkable you could even be phenomenal… but best of all, be unforgettable! (for…

  • Breaking The Rules

    Rules of Grammar: A double negative is a no no

  • Why oh Why

    “its not what, but why you do something that matters” Brendan Mitchell

  • Just Say No

    A design isn’t finished when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away… good design is about saying no. Occam’s Razor: “the simplest solution is almost always the best”

  • Don’t Have Regrets

    [vimeo 27582815  width=”500″]   If you recognise yourself in this video, change your life! (oh and look out for banana skins) “Never regret… if it’s good, it’s wonderful, if it’s bad, it’s experience” – Victoria Holt “A man is not old until regrets take place of his dreams” – John Barrymore “Twenty years from now you will be…

  • Don’t Become Indifferent

    “You don’t have to do something wrong to lose a customer, sometimes it’s because you didn’t do enough” Brendan Mitchell

  • What is Being Creative?

    [vimeo 18079655] creativity is no longer a word reserved for the musician or artist it’s something you can find in anyone it’s the ability and urge to make something of value it can be big it can be small but making something new something different something that surprises something that makes you think something that…