Category: no paper

  • The Insanity of Book Publishers

    Einstein’s definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing again and again, but expecting different results” I read this morning on the National Post that Canada’s largest book distributor (HB Fenn and company) has declared bankruptcy proceedings. In the statement, H.B. Fenn blamed “the loss of distribution lines, shrinking margins and the significant shift to…

  • Digital Magazine Sales Dropping on iPad

    Continued from a previous post… Why are digital magazines on the iPad already in decline, after the initial gold rush users are losing interest in the digital versions. Wired, which sold 100K issues of it’s first iPad release, then managed to sell an average of 31K in the following months, with only 23K for October…

  • Digital Adverts More Effective Than Static Print Adverts

    No real surprises there, but it’s good to have some data to back up the claim… Now here’s a title that just rolls off the tongue! Digital Ad Engagement: Perceived Interactivity as a Driver of Advertising Effectiveness snappy eh? Apart from the title, the PDF is worth a read (if you’re into advertising and marketing…

  • The End of the Paper Notepad is Nigh!

    I appreciate this is a concept rendering, but if the NoteSlate uses the Kent Display technology, then the promised sub $100 price point should be achievable, after all, the BoogieBoard, which uses the same screen technology retails for only $40… although the lack of a save function on the BoogieBoard is a major drawback, but…

  • Hey Man, You Wanna Buy Some Tabs?

    Is there a single large electronics company NOT announcing a Tablet at CES this year? I’ve read about 20 so far and the numbers keep growing! There’s dual screens (NEC Cloud Communicator, not good), one with a coloured e-ink display (Pocket Book Mirasol, I’m really interested in that one!), one using a LED / eInk…

  • Google Editions

    Although 6 months behind schedule it appears that Google are about to roll out their commercial eBook store Google Editions. As promised, unlike other stores that tie you into using a single eReader platform ie eBooks purchased on Amazon only work on a Kindle, B&N only on a Nook, Apple only on an iPad etc…

  • Project iPad

    Rupert Murdoch is probably pretty pissed off at Richard Branson right now, as he’s just released the first daily magazine for the iPad, named Project, months ahead of Murdoch’s very own daily, to be named The Daily You can download the app for free today, then pay a monthly subscription of £1.79 / £$2.99, for…

  • The Barnes and Noble RootColor

    That didn’t take long I jokingly surmised a few weeks ago that the NookColor could become the Android hack platform of choice, after all it is a very affordable 7″ LCD touch screen Android device for only $250, well it looks like the Dev community at NookDevs now have root access to the device! If…

  • James Bond Novels Go Digital

    It’s not the only time this has happened in recent months, but this time it’s a high profile brand, James Bond. The Ian Fleming estate has announced that it are releasing all 18 Bond titles as eBooks this week on Amazon and Waterstones, but they won’t be released through their current print publisher Penguin (as…

  • David Hockney iPad Sketches Exhibition

    David Hockney has been a fan of the iPhone and iPad for sometime, having replaced his paper sketch pad with them. Over the past year Hockney has produced over 300 sketches, some of which will be on display at his Flesh Flowers exhibition in Paris. “The great thing about it, is the distribution of the…