Category: no paper

  • Do You Want a Green Egg?

    “Help us help the environment, go paperless” is the pitch you get from your utility company, your bank, your broadband provider and anyone else that sees sending you a paper statement or invoice in the post as a cost to them. We all know that they don’t actually care about the cost to the environment,…

  • Keepin’ It Real

    I saw this cartoon posted on Phil’s Unionversity Website yesterday… as the founder of no paper I simply had to repost it, plus I thought it was genius. There’s plenty of other great cartoons on the site more at poorly drawn lines you should follow me on Twitter here

  • eBooks Are For Weirdos

    According to a new survey by Harris Interactive 1 in 6 Americans now use an eReader with 1 in 6 likely to purchase one within the next 6 months. That’s 15%, which is almost double what it was this time last year, 8%. Also eBook readers purchase more books and read on average more than paper…

  • The Cosmonaut is The Write Stuff

    I posted about the Scribbly a while ago, but I just stumbled on the Cosmonaut by Studio Neat, the guys that created the Glif, which in case you missed it is a cool iPhone tripod mount and stand, that had a very successful Kickstarter launch. Well it looks like they’ve done it again with another…

  • Don’t Build It and They Will Come, 90k Of Them!

    That appears to be Martin Hasek’s philosophy, the creator of Noteslate, and it appears to be working. I posted about the Noteslate back in January, I was sceptical then and unfortunately my scepticism was founded, as this CNN report confirmed shortly afterwards, but that doesn’t appear to have stopped 64,000 people clicking the like button on their homepage,…

  • Keep Calm and Carry On With no paper

    As the saying goes “sh!t happens!” The recent spate of rioting, looting and arson in the UK will cost the taxpayer millions, plus business and household insurance premiums will rise as insurance companies cover their loses. The large businesses will bounce back and continue to operate, but smaller businesses will have a much harder time…

  • Post It Notes Animation

    Looks like Aardman may already have a competitor on their hands for the largest stop motion animation! 350,000 post it notes were used in the making of this animation, which took 5months to complete! That’s a lot of paper! [youtube] source Adweek

  • Old School Marker Pen for Your iPad

    The instant these things hit the shelf, I’m buying a couple! They’ll work brilliantly with our no paper iPad app (which is also coming soon!) [vimeo 24686042] Scribbly

  • Paper Résumés Don’t Cut it Anymore

    When applying for  a creative position, presenting a well designed résumé is a given, but it’s not enough, you need to be creative, you need to make an impression, be unforgettable… That’s what Victor Petit set out to do… and yes he got the job! [vimeo] You should follow me on twitter

  • eBooks Outselling Paperbacks

    Last week Amazon announced that it is now selling more eBooks than paperbacks (already 3x as many hardbacks). Amazon predicted this would happen in Q2 of 2011, but sales are obviously wildly beyond Amazon’s own predictions! is now selling more Kindle books than paperback books. Since the beginning of the year, for every 100…