Category: Brand Building

  • The Name Game

    I’ve previously posted with best practices for naming your company, but I just stumbled across this article on with 17 (18 actually!) suggestions of things to bear in mind when naming your company, definitely a good read if you’re in the market for naming a product or company

  • The AAA of Branding

    It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write anything about branding so I thought I’d dip my toe into it again and start with a short rule of three that successful brands follow. Attractive: Your customers need a reason, a desire to engage with you. To be drawn in by your brand story…

  • Freedom of Choice /

    If I lived in LA, I probably wouldn’t have any teeth left as I’d be in this shop every single day! you can’t help but admire and be drawn to this guy as he explains how he’s made his passion his life… as he says “People say you’re here and work all the time… I…

  • Organic Fusion Engineer

    I dislike job titles (especially inflated ones), I never use one myself, your actions define what you do for a living, not your business card. If you excel at your work, you won’t require a job title, you probably won’t need business cards either, as everyone will already know what you do & who you…

  • Brands Build Character – Character Builds Brands

    Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. What branding expert said that? Abraham Lincoln of course???

  • what’s the f’in diffference?

    here’s a great quote, unfortunately I don’t know who said it… “I wish to do something Great & Wonderful, but I must first start by doing the small things like they are great & wonderful” As I’ve posted previously, don’t become indifferent to your customers or clients, you could lose them not only because  you…

  • Le Roi est Mort

    In my Digital Brand Protection days, I had a presentation based around ROI, but it had a twist, as on the last slide I revealed I hadn’t been referring to “Return On Investment” as everybody thought, but “Risk Of Investment” that got their attention! Upon jumping back & going through the presentation again, the audience…

  • A Road to Nowhere

    I was in central London the other day, I was in no hurry to get to my next destination, but it started to rain, so I jumped on a bus. After a couple of stops I noticed a tourist having a hard time getting on the bus. His English was fine, he knew where he…

  • Straplines: What’s the point?

    It depends on your name, your offerings, your products & your services. Sometimes the name says it all ie: “Spit ‘n’ Polish Cleaning Services” doesn’t need much else, they’ve already said what they do in their name, while “Sparkle” would benefit from something like “Cleaning That Dazzles!” In the second example, you don’t know whether…

  • Your Identity Matters!

    There are those that label a personal domain name as a vanity domain, but I disagree… having a personalised number plate is vanity, owning a personalised URL is foresight… what’s the difference? I’ll give you an example. In an interview, a young woman of 16 said, I want to more famous than Persil Automatic, that…