Category: Brand Building
Can I Ask You For Something?
I just stumbled upon this video by Amanda Palmer, it’s worth 15mins of your time. She outlines her experiences on the relationship of an artist and a fan, and how she overcame her initial feelings of guilt when “Asking” for help. It all boils down to two way engagement and building trust. Rather serendipitously Seth Godin…
What’s the Cost of a Bad Brand and What’s a Good One Worth?
What’s your brand really worth to you? If you’re Coca Cola it’s a heck of a lot, in the past year alone Brand Finance estimate that Coke lost $9bn in Brand Value! In comparison BP and it’s recent Gulf of Mexico disaster lost $3.4bn in brand value last year, only a third of Coke’s loss? Does…
Do You Know Where You’re Going?
Alice asked the Chesire Cat, who was sitting in a tree. “What road do I take?” “Where do you want to go?” the cat asked. “I don’t know” Alice answered. “Then, it really doesn’t matter, does it?” said the cat. If your destination or goals are vague, then the decisions you make will reflect that. You…
Be Unforgettable
When you devise your company name or create it’s brand & identity, create a marketing/ advertising/ viral campaign, put on a live event or show, interact with a client or customer, you have a choice… you can be memorable… you can be remarkable you could even be phenomenal… but best of all, be unforgettable! (for…
Why oh Why
“its not what, but why you do something that matters” Brendan Mitchell
Don’t Build It and They Will Come, 90k Of Them!
That appears to be Martin Hasek’s philosophy, the creator of Noteslate, and it appears to be working. I posted about the Noteslate back in January, I was sceptical then and unfortunately my scepticism was founded, as this CNN report confirmed shortly afterwards, but that doesn’t appear to have stopped 64,000 people clicking the like button on their homepage,…
Practise What You Tweet
I read this article yesterday about Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter, and how he rarely tweets, sure enough he only has 128 tweets! which was a little surprising, especially as he’s now head of product development… but as he says he uses Twitter for consumption not broadcasting… although he follows just 1,284 users, while he has…