Category: Visualisation & Infographics
If you’re looking for a way to visualise migration patterns, look no further, this interactive site (all in HTML5) is incredible! The layout and use is simplicity itself people movin
I Had a Hunch You’d Say That
I avoid the Mac vs PC debates, each have their merits, each their downfalls, but this is an interesting infographic, as it’s about the differences between the Users not the Operating Systems… do you recognise yourself below… or worse still, like myself, do you recognise yourself here! Hunch blog You should follow me on Twitter
10 Tips for Designing Infographics
As I seem to be on a bit of a roll with data visualisations and infographics lately, I thought I’d share this very informative link I just stumbled across 10 tips for Designing Infographics you should follow me on twitter here
Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Infographic
Digital Surgeons you should follow me on twitter here
Path to Protest Timeline
Here’s a nicely crafted timeline of the uprisings in North Africa & the Middle East, one of the simplest yet clearest timelines I’ve seen… although, personally I think the scroll bar at the top should be more prominent, and the small side navigation is pointless, but the results are cear and easy to follow. you…
A Walk on the Wild Side
Seth Godin posted an interesting graphic yesterday that caught my eye, a perfect example of data mining (sorry couldn’t resist that one) Original Source and Seth’s Post It’s not that surprising when you think about it, but let’s look at another example, Death Rate by Mode of Transport in the UK… (NB: Flying doesn’t appear, as…
Radiation Dose Chart
Just saw this infographic on the XKCD blog about radiation dosage, it’s fascinating… plus I never knew that about Banana phones, think I’ll stick with my iPhone for now! More info here at XKCD you should follow me on twitter here
The World’s Aging Population
You may have worked out by now that I’m a statistics and infographics junkie… so here is a brilliantly executed interactive infographic that highlights the predicted age by percentage of various nations… as you will see, Japan, South Korea and Italy will have a very different looking population by 2050, compared to today by Fathom…