Category: Not What You Think
A Balancing Act
Too many ideas, too little time! That may sound a little arrogant, but it’s actually a genuine problem, and I’m not the only one. Some may say it’s a good problem, but I’m not so sure. It’s frustrating as hell to have an idea or a solution, that you know you have to let go…
The 80% Rule
Working flat out? Have too much to do? What can you do about it? Put your prices up, because you’re under charging! You’ll probably lose some clients, but with the extra capacity you’ll be able to deliver higher quality solutions, thus better value for the clients you retain. A good balance is 80% capacity, but…
I Say Potato, You Say Potarto
How most entrepreneurs initially present their idea to a Venture Capitalist. Me Me Me! 2 mins Introduction: why they’re amazing 5 mins The Problem: why everyone else is wrong (why they’re amazing) 15 mins My Solution: passionately explaining their solution in depth (why they’re amazing) 5 mins Capital Expenditure: whiz through what they will spend…
Sometimes, it’s what you don’t say
If you’re trying to sell sushi, you don’t market it as cold dead fish
Breakdancing Babies
No this isn’t one of Evian’s Dancing Babies After posting an incredible break dancing video the other day I saw the one below on Phil’s Unionversity website, so had to share it, ouch! [youtube=]
A Very British Contract
I always believed and pushed for a flat hierarchy in my business structure… and yes I realise that a flat hierarchy is an oxymoron, but it’s a great way to express my approach to organising my business structure, as the entire thing is built upon respect & trust and not meaningless job titles! (a pet…
You Lucky Bastard!
Next time you think someone’s lucky, remember there’s no such thing as luck, it doesn’t exist. Of course there are those that are born into wealth, survive death defying accidents, born with good health etc, but that isn’t luck, that’s good fortune. If an opportunity arises and you take advantage of it, some will see…
You Lucky Bastard!
Next time you think someone’s lucky, remember there’s no such thing as luck, it doesn’t exist. Of course there are those that are born into wealth, survive death defying accidents, born with good health etc, but that isn’t luck, that’s good fortune. If an opportunity arises and you take advantage of it, some will see…
I’ve never made a mistake in my life!
I was watching a film the other day and it had the following line… “A man learns nothing from winning, but the act of losing elicits great wisdom, not least of which is how much more enjoyable it is to win… it’s inevitable that you will lose from time to time, the trick is not…