Category: Brands & Marketing

  • Be Unforgettable

    When you devise your company name or create it’s brand & identity, create a marketing/ advertising/ viral campaign, put on a live event or show, interact with a client or customer, you have a choice… you can be memorable… you can be remarkable you could even be phenomenal… but best of all, be unforgettable! (for…

  • Pay Up, or We’ll Send The Boy Round

    mmmm, having avoided paying £500m in tax this year, it’s rather ironic of Barclays to create this advert, but maybe that’s the whole point, it will undoubtedly get tongues wagging… although I’ve got to add, I really liked the advert. To send your own gentle reminder here

  • ImprovEverywhere at TED

  • One For The Ladies

    Here’s a novel way of positively implementing facial recognition software for an advertising campaign by Plan UK. If the poster recognises you as a woman (90% success rate), then it displays a video highlighting how women around the world are denied choices based solely on their gender, with a call to action to become engaged…

  • The Bark Side

    Chewbacca’s my favourite

  • Fotoshop by Adobé

    This is a genius piece of self promotion by Jesse Rosten “pro-pixel intensifying fauxtanical hydro-jargon micro bead extract infused with nutrive volumizing technology will leave your face virtually unrecognisable… My skin feels like plastic!” thanks to Unionversity for posting this first

  • Apple’s Flashy iPod Touch Ad

    There’s a iPod Touch advert on Wired’s homepage that’s very smart. Anyone not in the digital media industry, will likely look at the advert and not be overly impressed, but technically, this ad is very impressive, as it extends beyond what you assume is it’s frame, the iPod covers the menu bar above (which remains…

  • The Next Train Will Arrive in the Vegetable Aisle

    Hate grocery shopping? Hate waiting for public transport? Then why not combine them and make them twice as bad? ah, but elementary maths tells us that adding two negatives creates a positive! This is a really simple, yet very effective way to get customers to try out Tesco’s online retail store. Perfect for South Korea,…

  • Don’t Build It and They Will Come, 90k Of Them!

    That appears to be Martin Hasek’s philosophy, the creator of Noteslate, and it appears to be working. I posted about the Noteslate back in January, I was sceptical then and unfortunately my scepticism was founded, as this CNN report confirmed shortly afterwards, but that doesn’t appear to have stopped 64,000 people clicking the like button on their homepage,…

  • Do You Give a Shit?

    [youtube] you should follow me on Twitter