Tag: Your ID Matters™
Hello World… Ahem, Hello Carrier IQ
How would you feel if your every location, keystroke, button push, SMS, URL and Web search you made on your mobile was monitored, read and stored by a piece of factory pre-installed software that automatically sends it to a company you’ve never heard of, plus this software cannot be switched off or removed? AKA a…
The App Genome Project
At the Black Hat Security Conference, Lookout unveiled the App Genome Project, which is the largest mobile application dataset ever created. In an ongoing effort to map and study mobile applications, the App Genome Project was created to identify security threats in the wild and provide insight into how applications are accessing personal data, as…
Openbook and Reclaim Privacy
Don’t get my wrong, I have nothing against facebook, in fact I think it’s great… but this whole privacy fiasco is becoming a PR nightmare! A couple of days ago I stumbled across reclaimprivacy.org a fantastic little javascript, that safely scans your privacy settings and warns you of any problems. But taking a completely different…
Left a bit, a little bit more, ah there you are
Staying with the Augmented Reality theme, BrightKite announced last month that their partnership with Layar to offer AR of your BrightKite friends posts over live video on your mobile, is now available on the iPhone (originally only available for Android) Another AR app recently launched on the iPhone is Wikitude, that overlays live video with…
Straplines: What’s the point?
It depends on your name, your offerings, your products & your services. Sometimes the name says it all ie: “Spit ‘n’ Polish Cleaning Services” doesn’t need much else, they’ve already said what they do in their name, while “Sparkle” would benefit from something like “Cleaning That Dazzles!” In the second example, you don’t know whether…