Tag: social media
Connection, Communication, Consolidation, Convergence, Context
Last week I was presenting my thoughts & ideas on future tech & trends with a client, so I thought I’d share them here… but let’s look at where we’ve come from, where we are now & where we appear to be heading. Connection: Advent of the internet; Arpanet (1969), email (1972), internet mainstream (circa…
Second Sight
With more and more of us having a mobile or tablet device within arms reach no matter where we are, you’d think that would give advertisers more opportunities to grab our attention, but the opposite maybe true. With DVR’s we pause live TV and watch it when we want, and more often that not we…
Defining a Fan
A short film exploring the roles of fan culture and their importance to brands. Personally I think Aaron Bogucki nails the definition of a fan by saying “A fan is someone that finds something so inspirational that they alter their lifestyle to support it” An important takeaway is that big brands need to respect that…
Pay Up, or We’ll Send The Boy Round
mmmm, having avoided paying £500m in tax this year, it’s rather ironic of Barclays to create this advert, but maybe that’s the whole point, it will undoubtedly get tongues wagging… although I’ve got to add, I really liked the advert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ipX2UoWDYlA To send your own gentle reminder here
Vizualize.me, LinkedIn Infographics
You know me and data visualisation, but here’s something cool, it’s a website that creates a visualisation of your Linked in profile, it’s an invite only Beta at the moment, but it looks promising. more info at vizualize.me you should follow me on Twitter
100,000,000 in… and counting
You know me, a sucker for an infographic! So I thought I’d post this Linkedin infographic marking them hitting 100 million users (NB: Facebook will likely announced they’ve hit 1bn very soon!) you can find me on linkedin here you should follow me on twitter here
9 Out of 10 Cats With Opposable Thumbs Prefer Facebook!
I caught this advert at the weekend, I thought it was wonderful… although it didn’t make me want to rush out to buy some Cravendale milk! Also worth noting is Cravendale have created an online campaign around this advert, encouraging viewers to follow them on Twitter or like their Facebook page, buts what’s telling is…
Homeless Guy with Golden Voice
I saw this video on Phil’s Unionversity website yesterday and was blown away by this guys voice, the voice just doesn’t go with what you’re seeing, he’s amazing! Drugs and alcohol have taken their toll on his life and he’s fallen on hard times, but the social web has shown it’s a force for good…
Linked In or Locked Out?
I’m not a regular user of Linked in, but I decided to update my profile a couple of days ago and use the service to see if I could find some old contacts I’ve not been in touch with for ages by importing my various address books, 5 minutes later I had 300 plus recommendations,…
The 2010 Social Media Map
This updated map is based on this by XKCD Flowtown for more data visualisation