Tag: podcast
I Lecture, Therefore iPod
The New Scientist posted an interesting article entitled “iTunes university’ better than the real thing” (below are snippets form the article) Dr Dani McKinney, a psychologist at the State University of New York in Fredonia, led a study, to find out how much students really can learn from podcast lectures alone – 64 students were…
Livestation iPhone Beta Testing
I spent the later part of this afternoon and some of this evening beta testing the Livestation iPhone App. It’s still early days and there’s some bugs that need ironing out, but it’s looking promising. For more info read this.
Seth Godin Podcast
I had the good fortune to arrange a live webcast with Seth Godin, to discuss his latest book. The original idea was by Elizabeth Cook, but as I’ve been doing webcasts since 1999, I said I’d be happy to help out. This was actually recorded on the 12th September, before his book was released, so…