Tag: networking

  • Make Your Business Viral, Not Just Your Campaigns

    A campaign can give your product & service exposure, but it can’t make your business a success, only your customers can do that. If your campaign goes viral, great, but if your business or offerings aren’t as well, then the campaign was probably pointless. You want people talking about how good your product is, not how…

  • 100,000,000 in… and counting

    You know me, a sucker for an infographic! So I thought I’d post this Linkedin infographic marking them hitting 100 million users (NB: Facebook will likely announced they’ve hit 1bn very soon!) you can find me on linkedin here you should follow me on twitter here

  • Homeless Guy with Golden Voice

    I saw this video on Phil’s Unionversity website yesterday and was blown away by this guys voice, the voice just doesn’t go with what you’re seeing, he’s amazing! Drugs and alcohol have taken their toll on his life and he’s fallen on hard times, but the social web has shown it’s a force for good…

  • It’s The Way I Tell ’em

    No matter what you’re trying to market or sell, people buy into stories. If you want your idea to spread make it easy for others to spread it, a story or something they can be passionate about is the best way… so make it memorable, better yet, make it unforgettable. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd3dIXXLcdE]

  • If You’re Networking, You’re Not Working

    A slightly different take on my Networking or Not Working post 😉

  • The Social Media Revolution Fad

    As I’ve re-quoted before “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital“ Aaron Levenstein This video makes compelling reading/watching, but read between the lines, there’s more to this than meets the eye, major changes are unfolding in the social media environment, information/data/ID aggregation is becoming the new hot…

  • Organic Fusion Engineer

    I dislike job titles (especially inflated ones), I never use one myself, your actions define what you do for a living, not your business card. If you excel at your work, you won’t require a job title, you probably won’t need business cards either, as everyone will already know what you do & who you…

  • what’s the f’in diffference?

    here’s a great quote, unfortunately I don’t know who said it… “I wish to do something Great & Wonderful, but I must first start by doing the small things like they are great & wonderful” As I’ve posted previously, don’t become indifferent to your customers or clients, you could lose them not only because  you…

  • Wave Goodbye to Closed Networks

    Google said they’d have something interesting to demo at the Google IO Dev Conference, oh boy they weren’t kidding… Hello to Google Waves! The Video below is 1.5hrs long, but it’s worth a look, as this will change everything. I’ve been harping on for ages about data aggregation & building open platforms without walls, with…

  • Welcome To The Party

    We all use social networks in different ways, some for work, some for play, some for play while at work!? No matter how you use them, you’re going to meet someone that uses the same network differently. The two networks getting most press coverage currently are Twitter & Facebook, both of which have very different…