Tag: London riots

  • Keep Calm and Carry On With no paper

    As the saying goes “sh!t happens!” The recent spate of rioting, looting and arson in the UK will cost the taxpayer millions, plus business and household insurance premiums will rise as insurance companies cover their loses. The large businesses will bounce back and continue to operate, but smaller businesses will have a much harder time…

  • Keep Calm and Riot On

    The designer in me couldn’t resist! You should follow me on Twitter

  • London Riots: Looting by Organised Crime

    While London was ablaze last night so was Twitter with #londonriots, not that any of it was worth reading, mostly knee jerk reactions saying, we need the army on the streets, oh I’m ashamed to be from the UK, if the police can’t handle this what about the Olympics, bring out the water cannons, use…