Tag: iPhone 4

  • Park Chan-wook is Hooked on iPhone 4

    I’m a fan of Park Chan-wook work, I think his vengeance trilogy of “Sympathy for Mr Vengeance”, “Old Boy” & “Lady Vengeance” are fantastic films, I appreciate they’re not to everbody’s taste, they are very dark in nature, but they certainly make you sit up and think. Now he’s done something rather different, well for…

  • iPhone 4 35mm Lens Adapter

    In an update to the post I made a couple of weeks ago about attaching 35mm lenses to the iPhone 4, the guys at Vid Atlantic have adapted their EnCinema 35mm Adapter to fit to Owle Bubo Video shot with a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 DSLR lens on the EnCinema 35mm Adapter attached to the…

  • iPhone Lens Kits & Camera Mounts

    Keeping with the iPhone theme, I noticed on a friend’s Facebook page this morning a ridiculous looking iPhone lens modification (which unfortunately wouldn’t really work that well with a 35mm lens, due to the tiny size of the sensor in the iPhone, unless you wanted a super zoom lens that is)… although this looks weird…

  • First iPhone 4 Music Video

    This is pretty amazing when you think it was shot entirely on an iPhone!?!?! An extract from Marty Martin’s Vimeo page “In an effort to release the first iPhone 4 music video, my good friend and musician Steve Failows [AKA flakjakt] and I collaborated over a period of less than a week to create the…