Tag: Google

  • What’s the Cost of a Bad Brand and What’s a Good One Worth?

    What’s your brand really worth to you? If you’re Coca Cola it’s a heck of a lot, in the past year alone Brand Finance estimate that Coke lost $9bn in Brand Value! In comparison BP and it’s recent Gulf of Mexico disaster lost $3.4bn in brand value last year, only a third of Coke’s loss? Does…

  • You’re Gonna Love This

    With Facebook you can “like” something, but with Google you can love it (I wonder how long it will be before McDonald’s sues them?) It’s not officially launched yet, but try it out for yourself What do you love? You should follow me on Twitter here

  • Android 3.0 Honeycomb

    It would appear my previous post about 20 tablets so far being announced at CES was premature, apparently there’s been over 200 so far! So there’s no doubting that 2011 will be the year of the tablet, but what isn’t clear just yet, is who will be the winners and who will be the losers…

  • Hey Man, You Wanna Buy Some Tabs?

    Is there a single large electronics company NOT announcing a Tablet at CES this year? I’ve read about 20 so far and the numbers keep growing! There’s dual screens (NEC Cloud Communicator, not good), one with a coloured e-ink display (Pocket Book Mirasol, I’m really interested in that one!), one using a LED / eInk…

  • Wave Goodbye to Closed Networks

    Google said they’d have something interesting to demo at the Google IO Dev Conference, oh boy they weren’t kidding… Hello to Google Waves! The Video below is 1.5hrs long, but it’s worth a look, as this will change everything. I’ve been harping on for ages about data aggregation & building open platforms without walls, with…

  • Look for questions, not answers

    Asking the right questions, is more important than having all the answers. Knowing how to to get higher rankings in a Google search isn’t as important as asking, will it make any difference? It’s likely your time & effort would be better invested in creating effective ways to interact with your current customers, than spending…