Tag: free

  • I Guess The World Needs a Universal Blog Icon After All

    Wow! I created a blog icon a few months ago and uploaded it to the web, then sort of forgot about it, but I was looking at the site stats yesterday and noticed that on average 20 people a day download the blog icon artwork… OK not exactly a huge number, but that’s still over…

  • Wave Goodbye to Closed Networks

    Google said they’d have something interesting to demo at the Google IO Dev Conference, oh boy they weren’t kidding… Hello to Google Waves! The Video below is 1.5hrs long, but it’s worth a look, as this will change everything. I’ve been harping on for ages about data aggregation & building open platforms without walls, with…

  • Unsocial Networks: Or why Facebook has got it wrong as Open Social is the Future

    It’s 5am and the dawn chorus has started in my back garden, but I don’t mind, as it got me thinking (which is sometimes a bad thing), so I’m wide awake now! The future for social networks is portability, I want the same freedoms online that I have in the real world, I want to…

  • Shift Happens, Are You Ready?

    I recently found my notes from a presentation I gave 13 years ago, unfortunately I no longer have the presentation (not that I would have software that could open it now even if I could find it). You need to remember that at the time a 56k modem was considered warpdrive access to that little…

  • Just Give Me The Darn Thing!

    If you’ve got something worthwhile of my time then let me read it, but don’t make me jumps through hoops to get it. Why do I have to register with your site first to get it? ask yourself the following: If I don’t register with you… I’ll never know how great what you’ve written is,…

  • Marketing or Publicity?

    Well, basically it depends how much you want to spend… simply put you pay for marketing, while publicity is free! well free as far as you don’t give anyone any money, but of course it doesn’t just happen on it’s own, you’ve got to invest the time & effort, but it’s probably more fruitful than…