Tag: facebook

  • Facebook Timeline Photoshop Template

    Facebook timelines have now gone mainstream, as you can see from the screen grab of mine below, you can play around with the top image however you please. This top graphic is 849 x 312 pixels, with the small square being 180×180 (although this gets scaled down to 125 x 125. But rather than you…

  • You’re Gonna Love This

    With Facebook you can “like” something, but with Google you can love it (I wonder how long it will be before McDonald’s sues them?) It’s not officially launched yet, but try it out for yourself What do you love? You should follow me on Twitter here

  • 9 Out of 10 Cats With Opposable Thumbs Prefer Facebook!

    I caught this advert at the weekend, I thought it was wonderful… although it didn’t make me want to rush out to buy some Cravendale milk! Also worth noting is Cravendale have created an online campaign around this advert, encouraging viewers to follow them on Twitter or like their Facebook page, buts what’s telling is…

  • Linked In or Locked Out?

    I’m not a regular user of Linked in, but I decided to update my profile a couple of days ago and use the service to see if I could find some old contacts I’ve not been in touch with for ages by importing my various address books, 5 minutes later I had 300 plus recommendations,…

  • Facebook Mobile Event

    So what will MZ of Facebook be announcing in less than an hour?  Hopefully an iPhone app that’s worth using!

  • Openbook and Reclaim Privacy

    Don’t get my wrong, I have nothing against facebook, in fact I think it’s great… but this whole privacy fiasco is becoming a PR nightmare! A couple of days ago I stumbled across reclaimprivacy.org a fantastic little javascript, that safely scans your privacy settings and warns you of any problems. But taking a completely different…

  • Less Is More

    Sometimes too much choice is a bad thing… Facebook’s privacy settings have more options than ordering a coffee in Starbucks! To see what I mean follow this link to the NY Times

  • Faceborg: Resistance is Futile

    Thanks to Anne for the inspiration Yeah I know, it’s similar to my earlier fakebook

  • If You’re Networking, You’re Not Working

    A slightly different take on my Networking or Not Working post 😉

  • The Social Media Revolution Fad

    As I’ve re-quoted before “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital“ Aaron Levenstein This video makes compelling reading/watching, but read between the lines, there’s more to this than meets the eye, major changes are unfolding in the social media environment, information/data/ID aggregation is becoming the new hot…