Tag: customer satisfaction

  • The Computer Says No… So Do I

    I’ve just spent an hour on the phone with Barclays Bank and I accomplished nothing, except making my mind up to change banks. I won’t go into details, except to say that in May last year I applied to have a couple of ISA’s transferred from Barclays to Santander. It’s now February and Barclays have…

  • It’s Not Just a Matter of Perspective

    Usually when entrepreneurs start a business, they’re careful when it comes to expanding and appointing new employees, everything is risky, money is probably tight, but the workload is becoming too much, how do they decide when to employ someone else. Friends and families often help out to start, but eventually these favours can no longer…

  • A Road to Nowhere

    I was in central London the other day, I was in no hurry to get to my next destination, but it started to rain, so I jumped on a bus. After a couple of stops I noticed a tourist having a hard time getting on the bus. His English was fine, he knew where he…

  • The 3 T Rule

    “Trust Takes Time… you will eventually fail, if you try to rush or fake it” Brendan Mitchell