Tag: Brands & Marketing

  • Which came first the egg or the credit card?

    I’m often surprised by how many times I’ve been asked by friends & clients to help them name a business or service, as they believe, once they have the name sorted, everything else will fall into place, but this isn’t the best way to do it (but it can work sometimes). What comes first the…

  • Defining a Fan

    A short film exploring the roles of fan culture and their importance to brands. Personally I think Aaron Bogucki nails the definition of a fan by saying “A fan is someone that finds something so inspirational that they alter their lifestyle to support it” An important takeaway is that big brands need to respect that…

  • Post It Notes Animation

    Looks like Aardman may already have a competitor on their hands for the largest stop motion animation! 350,000 post it notes were used in the making of this animation, which took 5months to complete! That’s a lot of paper! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=znN4vKL8baA] source Adweek

  • Gulp

    Having created the worlds smallest stop motion animation entitled Dot, Nokia set Sumo Science of Aardman the task of creating the worlds largest stop motion animation, the result is entitled “Gulp” [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieN2vhslTTU] the making of Gulp [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fza5QdTfyxs] you should follow me on twitter here

  • Is 2011 The New 1984?

    It was broadcast just once during the 1984 Super Bowl, but that’s all it needed, as when Ridley Scott directed Apple’s iconic and multi-award winning 1984 advert, he created an advert that captured the very essence of what Apple was at that time. The underdog, fighting against the tyranny of the corporate machine, hoping to…

  • The Verizon Waltz

    It wasn’t long ago that Verizon were parodying Apple’s “There’s an App for That” adverts, in order to gain subscribers from AT&T to their own network, but it appears the two network giants have made up and become friends in their latest joint advert! Or maybe they’re both worried about the latest T-Mobile advert, which…

  • The First Car Recycling Drop Box

    Here’s a terrific idea by Volkwagen’s to market their Polo “Our task was to tell people that the new Polo is produced out of 95% recyclable materials. People in Germany are used to recycled glass, paper and plates. So we just had to expand this matter of course for the new Polo.” Source Design Made…

  • Tiny Ant People Build City

    Jay’s done it again, he just sent me another amazing looking video. The way this has been achieved is by using high vantage points with a shif-tilt lens, which gives the impression of the whole thing being a model with the people ant sized… but it’s all life size! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb5GpV_LUuU] more info at Coachella…

  • Clowning Around

    Although this has been on Youtube for over a year, I only stumbled across it this weekend, it’s incredible!!! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5yhxqkJiAQ] Interview with Director [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wBZuxeApe0] Making of [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0MjC4mh0aw]

  • Speed Cameras Are Good!

    Last Year I posted about the Volkswagon campaign named The Fun Theory, I just read on Digital Buzz that the campaign has since gone on to win the Cannes Cyber Grand Prix for a digitally led integrated campaign, which it won along side Nike’s “Chalk Bot” who took the award for the other digital solutions /…