Tag: Brands

  • What’s the Cost of a Bad Brand and What’s a Good One Worth?

    What’s your brand really worth to you? If you’re Coca Cola it’s a heck of a lot, in the past year alone Brand Finance estimate that Coke lost $9bn in Brand Value! In comparison BP and it’s recent Gulf of Mexico disaster lost $3.4bn in brand value last year, only a third of Coke’s loss? Does…

  • Do You Want a Green Egg?

    “Help us help the environment, go paperless” is the pitch you get from your utility company, your bank, your broadband provider and anyone else that sees sending you a paper statement or invoice in the post as a cost to them. We all know that they don’t actually care about the cost to the environment,…

  • Who Trusts You With Their Name

    This was originally written Wednesday 1st December. I’m currently on my way to Heathrow Airport… I received a phone 4hrs ago, I had no idea at the time that it would result in my being in Lisbon this evening. I won’t go into details, suffice to say, a colleague I’ve not seen in ages, has…

  • Brands Build Character – Character Builds Brands

    Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. What branding expert said that? Abraham Lincoln of course???