Tag: blog icon
The Web Icon
A couple of years ago I needed a blog icon, realising there wasn’t a universally accepted one in existence, I created one to use for myself and threw it out into the world for anyone to use… it became far more popular than I ever expected, averaging 45,000 downloads a year! A couple of months…
The Blog Icon 45,000 Downloads and Counting!
Ever since I created the blog icon I’ve been pleasantly surprised by where I’ve discovered it’s been used and encouraged by the responses I’ve received from those that have downloaded it and are using it. In April this year web designer Mark Hesketh wrote a blog post about the blog icon… a couple of weeks ago…
2010 in review
I doubt you’ve missed me, but I’ve spent the last month backpacking around Cambodia (I shall blog about that soon) I received an email from WordPress a few days ago summarizing my blog for 2010 (below), but upon further investigation what I found interesting was that my page impressions remained the same even when I…
New Blog Icon Website
OK I admit it’s nothing groundbreaking, but I just threw up a new Blog Icon website using Rapidweaver, took about 3hrs to knock up, most of which time was compiling the emails and comments I’d had from users that are using the blog icon. in case you have no idea what I’m on about, there…
I Guess The World Needs a Universal Blog Icon After All
Wow! I created a blog icon a few months ago and uploaded it to the web, then sort of forgot about it, but I was looking at the site stats yesterday and noticed that on average 20 people a day download the blog icon artwork… OK not exactly a huge number, but that’s still over…
Standard Blog Icon
As they say the great things about standards, is that there’s so many to choose from ; ) With the prevalence of blogging you’d think someone would have come up with a standard icon for blogs by now, well apparently not. A few months ago I was mulling over the idea that there isn’t a…